Training for Easter

I’m about to eat my own body weight in pancakes, which can only mean that Lent begins tomorrow. It’s a strange time and I’m not sure I’ve ever properly got my head around it, but I still keep trying.

Rev Sally Hitchener recently described it like this on Twitter: “The idea of Lent is that Easter is so mind-blowing that to hope to engage with it we need to get in training. So we make space for God by six weeks of forgiving, saying sorry, reading the Bible, caring for and standing with those in need, fasting and praying.”

With that in mind, here are some resources that I hope might help you train for Easter. Many of them will be familiar from previous Lents and from last Advent, but I would love to add in some new ideas, so please do share anything you have found.

40 thoughts and 40acts will both be going again this year, if you want some daily inspiration.

Leeds Lent Prayer Diary will be posting the focus for prayer each day, so you can keep up with it online if you haven’t yet got your hands on a paper copy.

Illustrated Children’s Ministry provide creative materials which can be downloaded and printed.

Si Smith’s imagining of Jesus in the wilderness can be downloaded here, and Ian Adams’ Lent reflections around the idea of temptation (which Sue read from on Sunday) can be found here.

Pray as You Go and Sacred Space have created a Lent Retreat, if you want to take this time to explore more of the kind of contemplative prayer we are looking at together this term.

And I will be using The Art of Lent by Sister Wendy Beckett as a Lent devotional, and blogging a reflection on one or more of the week’s paintings each Sunday.

May something in there, or something completely different or totally unexpected, bless you this Lent.



Published by leighannegreenwood

Baptist minister in training with Revive Leeds. Blogging on behalf of Revive and (coming soon) for myself at Covenant Project.